My Blog

December 9, 2015

B.B. Country Mouse and Exercise

Why is it so infernally hard to squeeze in time to exercise?


Swimming pool in Orlando

Swimming pool in Orlando

I spoke to my 96 year-old mother yesterday morning and learned that she had just finished her 20 laps at the warm YMCA pool in Orlando, Florida. Of course, guilt flooded me for not having taken her more while she was here. Her husband Al had dropped her off there while he went to collect the morning newspapers and their “meal” from the buffet lines at the restaurants around Disney.

A friend at a reception last night asked what had incapacitated Mom. “Nothing,” I told her. Mom takes no medication, and until her GI bleeding three months ago, she had not been ill. Exercise seems to have made the difference.

Having dogs is a good way to have to exercise. Except when I have to be somewhere early and my blogging ran late. The other day I had to be at a Christmas Brunch at 9:30. I had not gotten up at my usual 4 am, so I started writing at 6, later than usual. By 8 a.m. I knew I would not have time for the 5 mile walk that the dogs are accustomed to. I hurried to walk them down to the corner and back, and then left them. They both sat and stared at me with accusatory expressions, wondering why their walk had been cut short.

Dog walking in the morning

Dog walking in the morning

Exercising at a gym or swimming at the Conroe pool is also sometimes difficult, even when friends are waiting for me. Having to drive into town (7 miles) or down to Conroe (30 miles) takes time and willingness. It is easier to just work out in the back family room/porch using exercise DVD’s of cardio/sculpting, or Pilates or Yoga. But that takes discipline.

I have read about the runner’s high. These runners  get all happy after a morning run. Really? If I were to do a “run,” I know I would not be happy. Aching knees and pinching bone spurs would put a halt to my mission. I do admit, however, that if I wake up with a back ache, just plain old walking does make me feel better.

Yesterday, I was in a hotel room in Austin. They didn’t have a workout room with treadmills or weights. And it was just barely 40 degrees out and I didn’t have a jacket. So, thinking of Condoleezza Rice who always demanded a fitness station in her room wherever she went as Secretary of State, I decided to exercise in my room.

Okay, I’ll admit, I was amazed at all the exercises it is possible to do without having all the “equipment” of a weight room. I remembered most of the cardio exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and some of the pilates moves, but I ran dry after about half an hour. I couldn’t think of anything else to do. So much for exercising.


Flat-bottom's exercise

Flat-bottom’s exercise

But does exercising make us feel better? Is it beneficial for us? I can’t convince Hubby Flatbottom to get out of his chair and exercise. He says he did that when he was younger. I have a friend who has terrible back-aches but she can’t walk more than ten feet. She won’t push herself to go farther either.

What is the impetus to make us exercise? I have no idea, but the dogs are insisting on their walk. So grab a jacket and go. At least it’s not snowing.

About Caroline Castillo Crimm
Retired Professor Emeritus from Sam Houston State University, interested in writing novels and speaking about topics such as the history of Latin American. Would like to share the AMAZING world of the 18th century in Northern New Spain, that's Spanish Texas and Mexico!
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